20-Plus Years of Progress
Long before others knew that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, our region was committed to ensuring that every young person experiences STEM’s power and possibilities. Through visionary leadership and vibrant partnerships, our community has made extraordinary strides.
20-Plus Years of Progress
Long before others knew that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, our region was committed to ensuring that every young person experiences STEM’s power and possibilities. Through visionary leadership and vibrant partnerships, our community has made extraordinary strides.
(Please click on the arrows to experience the full timeline of The STEM Foundation.)
Washington State STEM Education Foundation (The STEM Foundation) forms, governed by area business and education leaders.
The STEM Foundation manages grant funds and in-kind community support, establishing the region’s first STEM high school, The Delta High School.
Battelle Foundation provides additional $1.2M to The STEM Foundation to support Delta operations.
Pasco, Kennewick and Richland school boards collaborate to codify joint management of Delta.
300 students apply for 110 lottery slots, marking the inaugural Delta class.
Columbia Basin College provides its Richland campus, rent-free, as temporary Delta school site.
The STEM Foundation raises $800,000 in cash and in-kind support from donors and $5.4M in state funds to help site, design and build Delta.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction designates Delta a “Washington State Innovative School.”
Designed by The STEM Foundation, STEM Like ME!® piloted to bring STEM professionals into classrooms to spark interest in careers.
Rosalind Franklin STEM Elementary opens in Pasco.
In partnership with Washington STEM, the Mid-Columbia STEM Network launches and is one of 10 networks to share best practices and leverage resources across the state.
Groundbreaking for Delta’s permanent home in Pasco.
Delta begins school year in new facilities.
Hanford contractors expand internship programs to support Delta’s goal of 80% of students completing an internship prior to graduation.
Three additional STEM elementary schools dedicated.
The STEM Foundation supports awarding of $6 million in STEM scholarships to 263 area students through Washington State Opportunity Scholarships.
Leona Libby STEAM Middle School launches in Richland.
STEM Like ME!® Grants for Teachers debuts— providing grants of up to $1,000 each— supporting 2,400 local students.
STEM Like ME!® featured as best practice at Microsoft during Governor’s Summit on Career Connected Learning.
Finley School District rallies community to raise $100,000 to qualify for $3 million state grant to open new STEM/Career and Technical Education facility.
Tri-Tech Skills Center in Kennewick dedicates innovative facility featuring drone technology and advanced manufacturing careers.
The state selects The STEM Foundation to serve as a Career Connect Washington (CCW) Regional Network. As one of nine CCW networks, The STEM Foundation coordinates with local Education Service District 123 to expand its program outreach beyond the greater Tri-Cities to include 23 school districts in southeastern Washington.
Battelle announces a $1 million grant to The STEM Foundation to establish the regional STEM Nexus, a multi-pronged, community-engaged approach to developing STEM proficiency and awareness of STEM careers among underserved students in the Mid-Columbia region.
STEM Like ME!® Design debuts, introducing students to the engineering design process. A design challenge engages students beyond the classroom experience.
The state reconfirms the Mid-Columbia STEM Network as a Career Connect Washington Regional Network.